Queens Defenders

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  3. Queens Defenders
Events from this organizer


Queens Defenders Youth Justice Court

The Queens Defenders is pleased to announce another Youth Justice Court cohort. Join them for another year of activities and events, food and giveaways, and college recommendations. Hear real cases from defense attorneys, learn legal terminology, discuss justice-related topics and…



Queens Defenders Youth Justice Court

The Queens Defenders is pleased to announce another Youth Justice Court cohort. Join them for another year of activities and events, food and giveaways, and college recommendations. Hear real cases from defense attorneys, learn legal terminology, discuss justice-related topics and…


Queens Defenders Youth Justice Court

The Queens Defenders is pleased to announce another Youth Justice Court cohort. Join them for another year of activities and events, food and giveaways, and college recommendations. Hear real cases from defense attorneys, learn legal terminology, discuss justice-related topics and…
